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Board of Health Minutes 1/5/09

Date:  January 5, 2009
Present:  John Makuc, Stephen Enoch, and Peter Kolodziej
Also Present: Nora Hayes, ACO

The meeting began at 3:40pm

1.  The minutes from 12/15/08 were approved as written.
2.  Mail was reviewed.
3.  Nora Hayes, ACO was present to discuss the following with the Board:
        a.  Nora has been working on trying to get Mike Cahill to do something on WSBS about rabies prevention.  All the contacts have been made but WSBS has not scheduled a programming slot yet and has not responded to Nora’s calls.  Peter suggested that Nora contact Smitty Pignatelli and approach it from a regional perspective as Smitty has a weekly show on WSBS and may be able to help this along.
        b.  Gould Farm and unlicensed/registered animals.  She’s having difficulty getting a list of animals located there to be sure they have the proper vaccinations and licenses.  She has been told that Gould Farm tracks this but she’d like the paperwork to be shared.  John suggested hosting a rabies clinic at the farm and offered to perform the vaccinations.  Some felt that the staff there felt that as long as they met the Gould Farm policies that they didn’t need to meet the town’s regulations.  John suggested that the Gould Farm policy be changed to include that proof of licensure with the town will need to be supplied.  Stephen suggested that Nora contact Corey Loder to assist her with this.
        c.  Stray dogs over the weekend; if Marge Gulick’s is closed there is no place to bring the dogs.  Peter Kolodziej suggested that she contact Cindy, the ACO in Lee.  Nora wants to purchase 2 used kennels instead which could also be used in emergencies as well.  Nora will speak with Maynard Forbes about a potential location as well as the Building Inspector and Treasurer (insurance liabilities).
        d.  There is a short list of people that refuse to license their dogs; they have all been given several warnings and opportunities to pay and will now be fined.
        e.  Stephen asked how the pagers were working that was issued through the Police Department.  Nora stated it seemed to be working.
4.  The Board reviewed the special permit application for Herman & Myrna Rosen of 20 Point Rd and responded to the Board of Appeals with the following; The Board approves the application with the following conditions:
        a.  The total number of bedrooms does not exceed 3, which is what the current septic system is designed for and
        b.  As long as the proposed addition does not include doors that would provide privacy thus making it a fourth bedroom.
5.  The Board reviewed the letter from Town Counsel to Kutsher’s Sports Academy’s attorney as well as Kutsher’s response.  Kutsher’s has paid the $5000 fine imposed.  The Board will discuss what will be required of Kutshers prior to this year’s camp season at future meetings to be sure everyone is on the same page and the requirements are understood and have been met.  The Board will be in close contact with the Building Inspector as well to be sure the Building Code requirements had been met.
6.  The Board will not meet on the 19th as it’s a holiday, their next meeting will be on the 26th.  Representatives from the Roadside Café will be present at this meeting to discuss their future plans and staff certification.

The meeting adjourned at 4:40pm

Submitted by
Melissa Noe
Inter-Departmental Secretary